
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Chile National Foods

A characteristic of Chilean cuisine is the variety and quality of fish and seafood, due to the geographic location and extensive coastline. From the hearty casseroles, warming soups, flavorful sausages to refreshing shellfish, Chilean national food is an unmissable experience for any visitor. Below is a guide to some of the most typical and best-loved national dishes in Chile.

Pastel de choclo

Pastel de choclo
Pastel de choclo is a typical, hearty Chilean casserole dish. It has a meat filling topped with a crust of sweet corn (choclo) and cornmeal. Commonly mixed in the filling are chicken or ground beef, raisins, black olives, onions or slices of hard boiled eggs.  Pastel de choclo is a popular lunch summer dish and traditionally served in a paila.

Empanada is a stuffed bread or pastry baked or fried. Empanadas are made by folding dough or bread around stuffing, which usually consists of a variety of meat, cheese, huitlacoche, vegetables or fruits, among others. Chilean empanadas are large (usually with one being enough for a meal) and can have a wide range of fillings, but three basic types are the most popular:
  • Empanada de Pino - typical turnover filled with diced meat (beef), onions, black olives, raisins and a piece of hard-boiled egg, baked in earthen or plain oven.
  • Empanada de Mariscos - turnovers filled with chopped seafood, onions, seasoning and fried. 
  • Empanada de Queso - typical turnover filled with cheese and may be baked or fried.
Cazuela de Vacuno
The cazuela is a national dish of Chile. It is cooked in a mid-thick flavored stock by combining several kinds of meats and vegetables mixed. The most common types are made of chicken or beef, but there's also other types made from pork and turkey. In Chile, cazuela is cooked in clay pot by combining a piece of meat (it can be a piece of rib or several pieces of bones, in the case of beef, or a leg of chicken), potato, and pumpkin in the stock obtained from boiling all of them together. These are sometimes complemented with cooked rice (in the stock), small-sized noodles, green beans, celery, sliced carrots, garlic, cabbage, among others. In summer the cazuela is accompanied by a piece of sweetcorn, cooked apart or in the same stock. This soup/stew can be prepared in hundred of ways as per one’s personal taste preferences.
  • Cazuela de Ave - chicken soup with pieces of meat, potatoes, green beans or peas, rice or noodles.
  • Cazuela de Vacuno - beef soup with pieces of meat, potatoes, corn on the cob, carrots, onions, green beans, garlic, chunks of pumpkin, rice or noodles.
The cazuela is typically eaten by consuming the liquid stock first, then eating the meat and larger vegetables (e.g. potatoes, large piece of squash or carrot) last. However, the meat and larger vegetables can also be sliced up within the liquid stock and can be eaten simultaneously with the liquid stock.

Porotos Granados
Porotos Granados
Porotos Granados is a thick, rich stew of white beans, corn, vegetables and basil. This vegetarian bean-based dish can also be served with sausage. It is served primarily in summer like most corn dishes. Porotos Granados is made hot with pumpkin squash and corn.

Bistec a lo pobre

Bistec a lo pobre
Bistec a lo Pobre means "Poor Man's Steak", but the dish is actually quite rich and indulgent. Bistec a lo Pobre is a satisfying meal popular throughout most of South America, especially in Chile. The dish served with a large sirloin steak, grilled onion, two fried eggs and a side of potatoes, most commonly french fries. You will find this dish on the menu of any typical Chilean restaurant in Santiago, Chile.


Humitas, the mildly seasoned cornmeal cakes, are the favorite of Chilean people. They are prepared with fresh grated corn, fried onion, basil, salt, pepper, and butter or lard . Humitas are wrapped in corn husks and baked or boiled. They may contain ají verde (green ). The humitas are kept together during cooking with thread or twine. They can be made savory, sweet, or sweet and sour, served with added sugar, chile pepper, salt, tomato, olive and paprika etc. Like Pastel de Choclo, these are exclusively a summer delicacy.

The country is also known for great parrilladas as meat is a major part of the Chilean culture. Parrillada is a selection of different kinds of meat, sausages and sometimes entrails grilled over charcoal and served with potato salad or rice.


Pebre is a simple salsa including seasoned tomatoes with chopped onion, chili, coriander, and chives. Usually served in a little clay dish and delicious with bread as a starter.


Completo, one of Chile’s most popular national foods, is a hotdog variation usually served with condiments such as ketchup, chopped tomatoes, mustard, mayonnaise, pickles, sauerkraut, avocados,a variation of the sauce américaine, chilean chili, green sauce and cheese. Its size can be twice of an American hot dog.

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